Flycatcher collaborated with ESPN, Marvel Entertainment, and Second Spectrum for the Emmy-nominated Marvel™ Arena of Heroes on ESPN, a captivating augmented reality experience melding the thrilling world of NBA basketball with the Marvel superhero universe.
Redefining what's possible in a basketball broadcast, Arena of Heroes created an immersive experience where players on the court are envisioned as Marvel™ heroes, each with unique powers and narratives. As they compete, their performance on the court equates to them earning "hero points," intertwining real-world athletic prowess with the enthralling tales of Captain America, Ironman, and more.
Arena of Heroes was nominated for Best Sports Design at the 2022 Sports Emmy Awards.
Given the task of enriching this innovative crossover, Flycatcher brought its expertise in AR design to the fore, creating augmented reality overlays that vividly illustrated players' heroic feats in real-time.
Using state-of-the-art computer vision technology to motion track in real time, our design focused on ensuring that viewers could easily follow the "hero points" system, melding it effortlessly into the live sports action without overwhelming the screen. Additionally, our animation expertise breathed life into the Marvel™ narratives, connecting pivotal moments in the game with iconic Marvel story arcs and cinematic visual cues.
After developing all assets to be used in the 3D environment and the broadcast UI, we used footage from previous game footage to test concepts, adjust for edge cases, and get the timing right before the live game.
The end result was a revolutionary broadcast experience: a merger of sport and narrative that both die-hard basketball fans and Marvel enthusiasts could revel in, making each dunk, block, and three-pointer an epic tale of heroism.
The game delighted fans and critics alike, as Arena of Heroes was nominated for Best Sports Design at the 2022 Sports Emmy Awards.
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